First of all you are going to want a good size tank. I recommend for one or two babies a size of about 50 by 80cm, and for one adult a size of about 70 by 100 or larger. In my opinion, a useful tank should have a removable lid at the top with wire mesh, and 2 doors that open in the middle so you can easily acsess the tank. One of the best brands of reptile and amphibian equipment is Exo Terra. On the back wall of the tank should be a styrofoam peice painted like rocks with places for the frog to climb. This is useful because behind it you can put a heated pad (which I will talk about later) so that it is not directly in contact with the frog. There are many sunstrates to choose from but i highly recommend bark chips or soil (from an amhibian and reptile brand). If you use gravel or sand it can be accidently ingested by your clumsy frog which can make it ill. You can also put moss (again, branded) on top of the bark or soil to hold moisture. It would be ideal to have a small thermometer and hygrometer inside the tank to measure the temp and humidity so you can assure that your frog is living in the appropriate conditions. You should have a heat pad behind or under the tank and a light clamped on top of the tank, for more information about heat pads and lamps go to the temperature page. The inside of your tank needs a water bowl and decorations. The water in the bown should not be more than a couple of centimetres for an adult and less for a froglet because they can drown. Plastic plants will do fine but make sure they are not sharp as this could harm your frogs squishy skin. You should have a few to provide coverage and to make the tank feel more like home to your frog. You can also put in tree bark, caves, stones and other ornaments. If you have any additional questions go the Q and A page, happy frogging!
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